Group Tax Strategy

Group Tax Strategy – Year ended 31 March 2024

Castle View Corporate Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries (the Group) is a family-owned UK group of trading companies whose subsidiaries operate in 3 key areas: (1) food production, (2) leisure management and (3) the provision of catering management software. The Group pays a range of taxes, primarily being corporation tax and employment taxes. We also collect and pay employee taxes as well as indirect taxes such as VAT.

For the purposes of the Group’s tax strategy, tax is defined as all forms of direct and indirect tax charges or levies, and applies to all UK entities within the Group.

UK Tax Governance and Tax Planning

The Group Finance Director is responsible for the Group’s tax strategy which is approved by the group board. The implementation and delivery of the strategy is supported by the group finance teams and external tax advisors.

The Group has a low tolerance to tax risk. We are committed to paying the right amount of tax at the right time, and to comply with tax legislation and reporting requirements in the UK. To achieve this, we engage external advisors to advise on the tax consequences of commercial decisions and assist with our tax reporting and filing obligations, primarily in relation to corporation tax.

The Group seeks to understand and optimise the tax consequences of business decisions. The board will review business reorganisations or change and will assess tax, alongside other costs, in considering the outcome for the Group. We do not engage in artificial tax arrangements.

The Group utilises available incentives and reliefs within the UK Tax legislation, such as capital allowances and research and development credits.

Relationship with Tax Authorities

The Group aims to develop and maintain professional working relationships with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and approach all dealings with HMRC in an open and transparent way. We are committed to addressing any tax enquires with HMRC promptly and resolving these in a constructive manner.

Castle View Corporate Holdings Limited considers that the publication of this statement complies with the duty set out in Part 2 of Schedule 19 Finance Act 2016.

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